Anywhere, anytime
The greatest advantage of playing Poker online is that whenever you log on there will be other players waiting to play against you, no matter what type of game you’re after. Compare this to a Casino room where there may only be a handful of players at any one time and card rooms are open 24/7 regardless of public holidays and festivities. As well as more tables and more players to play against, the speed of play is also quicker. There is no waiting for the dealer to shuffle the cards or interruptions for bad deals or spilt drinks. You can play at least 2-3 times as many hands as an offline game.
More comfortable
The other big advantage of online poker is that you don't have to travel to get to the tables. Whether in your suit at work, pyjamas at home or relaxing on the beach with your laptop, as long as you have an internet connection and a few minutes to spare you can get online and play at Poker. There is no fear factor, you can't see your opponents so you don't need to worry about the embarrassment of making a mistake, taking your winnings and leaving, losing against a member of the opposite sex or an unpleasant man boasting various facial scars and tattoos!.
There is always a charge when you play in a land based card room, this fee is called 'the rake'. Though a rake is charged, it is cheaper than offline card rooms because there are less overheads such as rent to pass on. Less rake means you can make more money online! You also don’t need to worry about tipping the dealer or buying drinks for your opponents after winning that big hand.
Thought playing online was risky? Think again, playing poker online is much safer than playing live. No need to travel to the wrong end of town to get a game - play from the comfort of your own home and with new software infrastructures being implemented, cheating and collusion will become a thing of the past. One less worry, so that you can enjoy playing the game! With online Poker nobody can see your face; this means you can display your full range of emotions as you compete against fellow Poker players - there is no need to stare in the mirror practising your poker face! User friendly software makes it easier to play the game so you don’t need to worry about making novice mistakes, just relax and play poker!
Alex is the Senior Web Designer for the Article Dashboard
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