Thursday, May 29, 2008

Funny Uses for a Golf Club

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by Paul J Easton..

This article seeks to make fun of the humble Golf club as some players have taken to using the Golf club as a weapon of death and destruction. It should not be taken seriously and is intended to offer uses for frustrated golf players.

With golf catching on in high schools, inner cities, and the family based mini putt, all over the United States the time has come to appreciate the game of Golf.

At the same time, many players (and maybe the wives of players) struggle with the skill and understanding, needed to master this game. It can become a passion that is testing to the impatient. Lets look at other, lesser-known uses for the Golf clubs:

The home security device

The muscles used for swinging a golf club could be used to act as defense against home invasion, however keeping mind, that you may do more damage to your own belongings and yourself, rather than the intruder. Not recommended for those with fitted ceiling fans.

Children's Entertainment

Imaging if you have children that have become board with the high tech video games. These are the same games that create a little moving, couch-based life. Give them a Golf club each and many over ripe oranges and you have a source of free entertainment. On the side of caution, this idea would most likely be applied by a father, and could result in mess to clean up afterwards and possibly a screaming wife. Also should only be done outside.

Teaching your Cat

If you have even owned a cat, you will know that at times, they like to please the owner be showing how they are a great hunter. This results in the loud meow and the discovery of a dead bird or mouse. In most cases, this would need the owner to handle the almost dead creature. Never again, now take that, Golf club and send the dying creature to its next life- by airmail!

Helpful free fitness help

A golf club would also make an inexpensive weed wacker for your lawn and the process of removing weeds with your golf club can also act as your exercise for the day. It all rolls together into one nice little package if you really let your mind go. At the same time a firm Grip would be needed on the club.

Easy home Maintenance

You can use it to remove that nasty hornet's nest from under your roof although you may want to wear long sleeves for that. It can also be handy at removing icicles from your roof as well but this requires some caution if moving above the ground.

There are many users for that high priced set of clubs sitting in the back of the garage. Put them to use before your wife or partner decides they were a bad idea, and sells them to make room for other storage items.

Helpful FREE articles plus information on golf like how to choose Golf Clubs are available from

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Now You Will Not Miss Out On A Single Game Thanks To Live Cricket Match Score

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by Ella Wilson

It is not unusual to find empty streets and a low attendance in schools, colleges and even offices whenever there is an exciting cricket match being played between favored rivals. The game invokes a passion among the individuals not just on the field but off the field as well, because in many places it is not just a game but a religion as well. Also, the cricket enthusiasts get deeply involved with the game being played on field as they feel a personal bonding with the players themselves. It is not surprising to see the cricketers being adorned with garlands of flowers and enthusiastic cheers when a game is won. However, the same team of players also bears the brunt of the fans anger when a match is lost. So, when a fan is this involved in the game, it is indeed difficult for him to not watch a match due to some work or other commitments. In such a scenario, the live cricket match score is one of the best ways for any fan to keep himself updated about every cricket match being played anywhere on the globe.

Earlier the cricket fan had only the radio or the television to rely on for the live cricket match score, but the advent of internet has changed the scenario drastically. Now there are a number of online websites dedicated exclusively to this game and this has made life much easier for the cricket fan. Once you have registered on any of these websites you can get easy and instant access not just to the live cricket match score but to much more. You can easily download your favorite cricketer's posters and wallpapers to decorate the walls of your home or the desktop of your office computer.

As the statistics of a player is crucial to all his fans as well as the various selectors and professionals involved with the game, this is another crucial information besides the live cricket match score, that is provided by the websites on cricket. Also, the websites keep updating the current world records held by any cricketer across the globe so that you are always aware about the changing equation between the players. Yet another interesting feature of these websites is the discussion forums and panels which provide the perfect platform to every fan to publicly voice his or her opinion about anything related to the game.

So, if everything about the game interests you and not just the live cricket match score, you can easily find every kind of information on the websites devoted to cricket. The website also forms the perfect platform to meet and interact with other like minded individuals and share your passion for the game with the rest of the fan world. Also, if you are unable to view any live match being played on television then you need not fume as the websites, which also have tie ups with the mobile service providers for your convenience, will ensure that you are always updated about every match no matter where you may be.

Ella Wilson is a cricket fanatic. She simply loves the game and tries to catch live action no matter where she is.At Stickiewicket she works on Online cricket score, Live Cricket Match Score,Cricket Forum, Fantasy cricket and cricket wallpapers among other things.You can see her works at

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Learning The Basics Of Golf

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by Bradlley Mckoy

Golf is one of the oldest games in history, and although it is a popular game among dads and granddads, it is not exclusive to them. Through time, golfing has gained enthusiasts among moms, teenager, and even kids. And it's not because the game is easy that it has gained such widespread popularity, it's actually the other way around. It is a game of precision, decision making, and patience.

If you want to learn the sport, the first thing that you have to do is to bear in mind that your aim is not to set the longest drive record. You'll have to learn the basics of the sport. Studying the basics is probably the most important phase in learning the sport. It will be your foundation for you success in the game.

Three Things You'll Have to Remember About the Golf

Here are three of the most important things you'll have to remember: the game is never as easy as it seems on TV. The pro-golf wings and precision ball control is a result of the players dedication and redundant manipulation. Professional golf requires that you have more than just talent.

Second, par is the number of strokes required to properly finish the hole. You'll find it on the score card. And the last, yet probably the most important thing of all, is the object of the game - that is to get the ball into the hole with the fewest strokes possible. If you're new in the game, it will be helpful if you keep your score and always try to beat yourself in your next game.

A Few More Things to Keep in Mind

Here are a few simple rules that will help you get through with the game easier. Remember that aside from being a game of precision, decision making, and patience, golf is also a game of balance. So anything that will put you off balance is not bad.

Another rule is to swing, not hit. "Hit" does not belong, and should never belong in a golfer's vocabulary. And when you swing your club, don't put all your strength in it because the harder you swing, the worse your play. In this case, practice really does make perfect.

Professional golf lessons are also a good thing if you really want to learn or improve your play. You can always get settled for the level you're in at the moment. But nothing beats playing the game like a professional. It may take a lot of hard work, but it sure is going to be worth the sacrifice.

When in a serious game, movement is the rule. Always keep moving, and when there is a grouping waiting behind you or spectators on the T-box, motivate yourself to pick up the pace. But if there is no one behind you, you can relax a bit and play at your own pace. If you're a newbie, it would be wise to follow the "play through" rule. This allows you to allow a faster group behind you to plat through your course.

Of course, this article won't turn you into a professional. You'll never get anywhere just reading through golf tips. You'll have to get out of your chair and your comfort zone, and actually get out there and start playing. It doesn't matter how bad you do at first. What's important is that as long as you have the patience and the will, there will always be room for improvement.

Indulge yourself with great golf gifts. Get a Cross pencil to take down those scores and passport wallets for those overseas golf tours. Visit ExecutiveGiftShoppe today.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Golf's Secret Weapon - Hypnosis

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by Michelle Beaudry

Golfers make me grin. It's fun helping them get the edge on their competition. Lucky for me, my practice is in Orlando, Florida where golfers abound. And whenever I meet one, that grin just pops right up.

A case in point: some time back, I noticed a married couple walking arm and arm into an event, and he sported a golf shirt bearing the name of a prominent golf magazine. So I said, "Hi. Do you work for that magazine, or are you just wearing the shirt?"

"I'm one of the editors," he puffed.

"Good. I'm hypnotist Michelle Beaudry, and would you like to know why we hypnotists chuckle at you golfers when we get together?"

Of course he did, and said so. Smilingly I began, "You golfers always show up on time, you already know it works, you happily pay the fee, you follow instructions to the letter, but..."

He eyed me narrowly as I raised my voice in a flourish, "But, you golfers never refer."

He burst out laughing, nodding and bobbing his head. The woman on his arm looked aghast. "Oh, yeah," he said, "I went to a hypnotist for golf..."

Her jaw dropped. "You went to a hypnotist? And you didn't tell me? I'm your wife!"

"Oh, yeah, I went. Loved it."

"Why didn't you tell me?" she pleaded.

I interjected, "Because they never do. Golfers never tell anyone about their secret weapon."

"That's what it is, "he agreed, "a secret weapon. And I never told a soul."

See? Golfers don't even tell their wives.

Why? Because the word "hypnosis" bears creepy connotations born of bad Hollywood films and ill-informed tv writers. There has never been a single film or tv show that accurately portrays what hypnosis is or why it works so well. Golfers don't care about the movies, they care about their game. And they whisper in low voices, spreading rumors on the links...

"Did you hear that Tiger Woods uses a hypnotist?"

"All the pros do."


Most golf pros do indeed hire "sports consultants" who use "visualization" to help them conquer the mental game of golf. Be not fooled. These sports consultants are hypnotists, use hypnosis, and someday when the general public wakes up to the truth, we all all be able to use the "H Word" loudly and proudly. It is not mind control, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the occult. It has everything to do with improving your game. Or your life.

In one simple two hour session, all the improvement areas golfers typically need can be covered. These include setting a peak performance trigger, implanting a clean slate for every new tee-up, processing self-forgiveness of all past golf mistakes, raising their ceiling of excellence, creating permission to excel, installing a shield against distractions, and so much more. It can even be done over the phone.

You've seen pros use their peak performance triggers many times on tv, like when one of them always taps his or her cap or presses a thumb and finger together before every shot. We hypnotists attach an excellent golf shot of the past to the trigger, so that same quality of excellence is accessed time and time again. It works consistently and well. Surprisingly, golfers often plateau at a too-low level of competence because it can feel risky to excel. Yet once in hypnosis, they process old emotional programming and raise their ceiling of excellence. And voila: better golf.

All hypnosis does is set your conscious mind aside and access your stronger, more powerful subconscious. And there are lots of ways this happens to you every day. When you read a book, for instance, you are actually just looking at ink on a piece of paper; yet, in your mind's eye, you see all the action in bright living color. Yes, reading a novel does indeed automatically put you into a light trance state (provided you like the book). Falling in love puts you into a deep trance state. Yes, all of us have been in hypnosis over and over again without even knowing it.

Hypnotists operate under the same federal laws as doctors and psychologists. We may not disclose to any third party the name of any client. Our clients, on the other hand, may of course disclose our names, and they do, happily referring us to their friends and family. I get referrals from clients all the time.

Except golfers. I'm their secret weapon, and they ain't tellin' nobody.

Michelle Beaudry, board certified hypnotist near Orlando, Florida, takes clients in person and by phone from all over the world. Contact 407 862-9144 or Beaudry Hypnosis

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Hunting For Sport – An Indulgent Tradition?

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by Art Activist

There is a fundamental difference between killing for sustenance and hunting for sport. The legal definition of cruelty to animals is: 'the unnecessary infliction of physical pain, suffering or death'. Based on that definition, hunting for sport is a cruel and barbaric pastime.

My grandmother had chickens. We ate the eggs and occasionally the chicken. She would ring its neck, and then pluck it before my eyes. It was not hunting and it was not sport. My grandmother took no pleasure in the act of killing the bird but she took great pleasure in feeding her extended family.

Hunters on the other hand derive pleasure from the hunt. They celebrate the killing. Often this is achieved by mounting a piece of the animal that has suffered on a wall or by posting a video or photograph of the hunt online.

Within the sport of hunting, the playing field is in favour of the hunter. Only the hunter knows they are in the game. Hunting often occurs in closed, prescribed zones where animals have little or no chance of escape. Discussions from hunters regarding the ethics of hunting generally pertain to the fairness between hunters themselves and not between the hunter and the animal. For example, it is "unethical" to shoot a duck resting on water and "ethical" to shoot at the bird in flight. This ethic establishes nothing more than fair play amongst hunters. The increased accuracy of shooting a duck resting on water minimises unnecessary injury and a slow painful death.

Equipment has become increasingly high tech including long range hunting rifles that are deadly to 600 yards. Given the likelihood of human error from this distance the chance of injuring an animal is high. Cameras are used to assess the size, species and sex of the animals passing the spot they plan to hunt and advanced optics to locate animals more easily. Often a GPS will be utilised to spot terrain features suitable for prey and sensors to alert the hunter of a nearby animal.

Other popular practices are baiting, which is the use of decoys, lures, scent or food to attract animals, the use of camouflage either for visual concealment or scent, to blend with the environment and using artificial light to find, light or blind animals, a charming practice known as spotlighting.

Dogs may be used to help flush, herd, drive, track, point at, pursue or retrieve prey. Hunting with dogs is particularly cruel because hunting dogs are bred for endurance not speed to ensure an extended chase, which makes for a more 'entertaining' sport. This of course causes the animal being pursued to suffer for longer.

Some of the most heinous hunting methods involve trapping which is the use of devices such as snares, body grippers, Conibears and legholds to capture or kill an animal. It is safer for the hunter to trap an animal and requires less time and energy. Animals caught in leghold traps suffer enormous pain as their foot or leg breaks or is dislocated. As the animal struggles to get free the trapped limb is mutilated. Often in desperation an animal will chew off a leg in order to get free from a trap. Otherwise they succumb to exhaustion, dehydration, shock and death. While leghold traps have been banned by more than 85 nations, the top 3 fur-producing countries; the U.S., Canada, and Russia, continue to use them. In addition to the cruelty inflicted on a trapped animal, the traps are often indiscriminate. Other animals including endangered species are mutilated or killed by traps. Reportedly anywhere from 10-40% of animals caught will be non-target animals.

Hunting advocates like to claim that hunting is necessary as a means of population control and that they are in fact conservationists doing everybody including the animal a huge favour. This rhetoric is deceptive and irresponsible. In the absence of predators, an environments ecological carrying capacity can be exceeded and animals will surely die a slow painful death from starvation, or so the justification goes. However, hunters do not seek out and kill only those animals within the population most likely to die of starvation; in fact the opposite is true. Whether hunting for trophy or meat it is the largest and strongest males that are targeted. This also disrupts the natural 1:1 male to female birth ratio of animals, leaving a disproportionate number of females, which will inevitably produce more in the subsequent years to the point of overpopulation.

Both of these practices disrupt natural selection. Left alone, animal populations can and do regulate their own numbers. Whilst human intervention and irregular natural occurrences can cause an animals population to rise and fall temporarily, the group soon stabilises through natural processes.

The absence of predators is almost entirely due to human intervention through excessive hunting and habitat destruction. Predators have been systematically eliminated to provide habitat for game species. When natural predators are reintroduced there is absolutely no need for hunters to do any favours. The reintroduction of predators is the most effective and natural wildlife management tool. Natural predators help keep a prey species healthy and optimum by killing only the weak or sick not the large, strong trophy animals that hunters kill.

The other regular catchcry of hunters is that they fund conservation efforts. This is misleading. It is not a donation nor charitable act, it occurs indirectly through licences and excise taxes. Hunters would hunt, purchase licences and pay taxes if none of the money was redistributed to conservation. The funding in fact is mostly used for habitat manipulation and 'management' for hunters, to protect their game species. True conservationists would push for all the revenue to be used for habitat protection, not manipulation to overpopulate target animals. Game officials are appointed and their salaries are paid through hunting fees. This creates a conflict of interest, as game officials are therefore not neutral and represent the hunters. Dependent on the activity of hunting itself very few are going to question conservation ethics.

Contrary to the 'who's going to fund conservation if we don't' analogy, conservation funding need not rely on hunting activities. There is a multitude of revenue raising pursuits such as eco-tourism, hiking, wildlife photography etc that can provide the necessary funds for habitat protection and wildlife preservation.

Animals die needlessly, directly and indirectly every day through habitat destruction, pollution, and other human impact environmental degradation, it is not necessary and grossly indulgent to add to this with recreational hunting.

To suggest that recreational hunting is a tradition that should be preserved is to suggest that cultural values are immutable. This is erroneous to say the least. Traditions can and have changed with changing values. Consider slavery and marital rape, both were accepted, widespread and legal but abolished and outlawed because of their inherent cruelty. Traditions are capable of change and are not sufficient to justify inhumane practices. The hunting community need to acknowledge the false and misleading arguments used to justify hunting for sport and address the validity of the counter arguments for animal welfare.

Art Activist is the owner of an ethical t-shirt design and printing business. brand resistant is a business model for the future. Evolving from social, environmental and political passion, we hope to use the power of words and images to effect change.

Article Source: Hunting For Sport – An Indulgent Tradition?

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spaniard David Ferrer Shows His Best Clay Tennis at the Barcelona Open 2008

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by Claudia Beckford

Spain's number two tennis player, David Ferrer has been capturing the attention of the media in his native country as well as worldwide due to his remarkable appearances at the 2007 French Open where he reached the third round, the 2007 US Open where he won over countryman Rafael Nadal reaching the semi finals and his latest at the 2008 Australian Open. Ferrer who turned pro in 2000 and ever since has been growing as a top professional tennis player on all surfaces; had his most notable achievements in 2007 when he broke into the top five and has remained there for some time now.

Currently, Ferrer holds a singles record of 222-149; winning 6 titles in the International Series Gold and International Series on both clay and hard courts in Bucharest, Stuttgart, Auckland, Bastad, Tokyo and only a few days ago in his home land Valencia, Spain.

Ferrer entered the 2008 Edition of the Sabadell Atlantico Open in Barcelona as one of the favourites along with his friend and team mate Nadal. In his first match Ferrer faced another Spaniard Gabriel Trujillo-Soler; a tough opponent I daresay who Ferrer knew exactly how to overcome…nevertheless; not an easy match for the "Ironman" as he is known for his strength and mental power to recover despite the adversary of being a set behind. His second opponent was the Ecuadorian Nicolas Lapentti who pushed Ferrer hard, a real struggle for the Spaniard who firmly won over the South American 4-6, 6-4, 6-3; with this win Ferrer won his ticket to the quarter finals and a next match-to-be against another Spaniard Tommy Robredo.

Robredo who was sixth seeded met David at the red hot court for another round of incredible determination on Ferrer's side. Ferrer led their previous encounters 2-1 having defeated Robredo recently in Valencia. A breathtaking two-hour long match which ended 7-6, 6-4 allowing Ferrer to get on track for his second semi final in Barcelona.

Ferrer's next target is world rank 27th Swiss Stanislas Warinka who has been growing confident and has delivered a very strong performance in Spain. After his recent match against Montanes he stated "I needed to play very aggressive," I had to take chances as he's such a good play player. I should have closed it out in two sets, but I couldn't capitalise on all of my chances. "Still, I played a good match, it's great to go through again."

There is no doubt the Spaniard has a very difficult quest ahead of him as Warinka is a clever player and he continues to improve his career record; but Ferrer's non-stop willingness and restless personality has made him become one of the best tennis players we have seen in many years. He has the best chances to reach the final which is likely to be an all-Spanish clash between world number two Nadal and Ferrer. As the last hour approaches; let's enjoy these amazing players' games but I must admit I hope to see Ferrer holding another well-deserved trophy real soon.

Claudia Beckford provides outstanding Sabadell Atlantico Open content as well as information in the sports betting industry. Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety on your site, make sure to leave all links in place and do not modify any of the content.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Horse Racing Tips Lying Hidden In Known Myths

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by Oliver 555 Fairbrother555

Tips For A Lucrative Success In Horse Racing

The horse racing tips surely prove fruitful in deciding how to bet on the winning horse.

Horse racing is one of the most interesting and exciting sports that attract a large volume of sports lovers. One of the crucial elements linked with horse racing is betting. Both gambling and horse racing are undoubtedly exciting activities but at the same time demand caution. To stay safe while betting, follow some key horse racing tips that will help you to enjoy the game and also see steady returns as well.

When betting or gambling on the horse racing make sure to bet responsibly. Set a perimeter for exactly how much you are prepared and willing to gamble with. Besides, if you have an appalling beat and dropping some cash, it is feasible to take a little time off and relax down. Conversely, if you have some big wins, do not gamble your winning sum right away.

It is feasible to cache at least few of them prior trying to create some more. It is also useful to look out for the most excellent and probable odds as well as the highest payouts that are obtainable, so that at the time when your wagers do connect, they recompense for the times you experienced a few losses.

The betting and the track parlours generally take as much as around 20 percent of the sum bet, so as to cover up their costs and the winnings for the race. However, it is also very essential to choose a horse that could actually win big successes.

The key rule to find a horse to triumph big amounts is selecting the horse that has been a front-runner in the past years on the similar surface, at the similar distances and might be at the similar track as well.

Conversely, the horse is going at long odds in the future races. In this kind of situation always look out for something different. A lot of short successes due to whatever basis it was that made them competing unsuccessfully lately in the past few years has been changed or fixed. Hence, this is the main and the only key reason that a horse turns around the latest form as well as outperforms the expectations of the crowd. Basically, it is a minor thing that makes a remarkable divergence.

There is no doubt that a large number of horses improve at the time of officially permitted medication lasix. However, horses also perk up when getting the lasix for one more time and at improved odds. Gamblers or wagers, which only think in the lasix angle in the first time generally disregards the horses, which show development or improvement at the first time lasix without getting a success. It results in improved odds for those wagers, which are playing the money spinning second time lasix angles.

Furthermore, when a horse which always starts from back in the pack, as per their designated lines, unexpectedly flashes pace in a race, it can indicate that the horse is all set to run a big and successive race in their upcoming few starts.

Oliver Fairbrother is author of this article on horse racing tips. Find more information about racing tips here.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Playing Golf in Spain

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by Gary Cotter

If you are thinking of playing golf for the first time in Spain there are a few things you should know about to help you enjoy the experience. Here I will give you a few tips, the obvious and the not so obvious to make sure your golf vacation is not spoiled. Many golfers book a package with usually few problems, others book their own accommodation, flights and tee times them selves, this is not as straight forward as it at first seems.

The first thing you should do is check out the general availability of tee times on the telephone, after all there may be a competition on there that day or week. Some Spanish golf courses will only let you book them a month in advance, this need not be a problem. I speak from personal experience here as I have lived in Spain for 7 years and lost count of the messed up golf tee times I have had. So rule number one is book the tee times by fax. If the golf club does not reply then it is not booked, if it does, keep the fax to take with you to show the golf caddy master on arrival. Don't forget to say whether you require buggies or not, if you are not used to the heat I would recommend them.

Consider the golf tee times that you request very carefully, playing golf at eight in the morning might sound very good, but are you and your compatriots really going to be up that early after the previous nights drinking session? Having said that, it is nice to play before it gets too hot, remember midday in Spain especially during July and August is extremely hot. With this in mind take plenty of liquids with you so you don't get dehydrated. I always stuff a couple of bottles of water and a freezer block in my bag during the summer.

Take a good sun blocker and use it often is also very important, it has probably been a long time since your white legs and arms have seen the light of day and they will burn very quickly. Taking and wearing a hat or cap of some sort and keep the back of your neck covered is also very important in Spain, at the very least it will stop you getting a nasty headache.

Lastly, if you not played golf in Spain before, play within yourself. Do not get the driver out on every hole, be conservative and play only where you can see. This sounds obvious but I have seen so many people hit a massive shot into some hidden hazard they didn't know was there. The greens will be quicker than you are used to, but positive putting pays off, so go for it and have a good game.

For more Spanish golf advice, information and help please see Golf Spain

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Friday, May 2, 2008

Synthetic lawns promise pristine looks and no maintenance

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by Tyler Troppmann

Warmer weather is upon us, and with it comes the promise of another great golf season. Unfortunately, the warmer weather is also a reminder that its time to break out the lawnmower, weed eater, and fertilizer once again. So while you could be spending your weekends on some of your favorite Charlotte putting greens or Charlotte indoor putting greens, you'll be knee deep in yard work instead. Unless, that is, you set yourself free with an incredible lawn of Charlotte artificial grass from Southwest Greens Charlotte.

charlotte indoor putting greensIf you've spent any amount of time cultivating your game on some of the finest Lake Norman golf greens, you know how inviting a pristine artificial grass surface can be. So inviting in fact that many of your peers in the area have taken the step of adding Charlotte backyard putting greens to their homes. Now we're taking on the entire backyard, and providing a flawless canvas of a yard that requires nothing of you but your enjoyment of it. Imagine your yard in perfect condition, and imagine it that way 365 days a year. Donate the lawnmower and find the weed eater a new home, because with synthetic grass you won't be using them anytime soon. With absolutely no maintenance involved, your weekends can finally transition into what they were supposed to be for in the first place, namely fun and family time.

Putting the idea of yard work to bed is reason enough to make the jump to artificial grass. Making money on the deal is something else entirely. Artificial grass requires no watering, ever, and that means the traditional summer bump you experience in your water bill won't be coming this year. In fact, expect your water bills to go down year-round, and enjoy the savings that come from your pristine artificial lawn. Calculated over time, you'll soon see it as an investment with a very lucrative return.

We don't wait all year for warmer weather so we can return to the yard and get to work. Spend your summer days and weekends on the course or relaxing with family and friends. With artificial grass from Southwest Greens Charlotte, you'll have ample time to do both.

The owner of Southwest Greens of Charlotte Tyler Troppmann is an avid golfer himself. Our team has a unique combination of business and contracting experience, and we have undergone a rigorous training program to learn the latest putting green installation techniques.

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